07 February, 2012

KBS Music Bank in Paris (Soon to be there)

So, through all the problems and all the worry - it is finally here. Today I am packing all the last things and making everything fit for fight... or fit for flight. We have been looking forward to this for ages and now, the day is soon here. 

I'm going to bed really early, to get a few hours of sleep before. And then I have to jump out of bed in the middle of the night (tonight). We are going by car, and picking up three of my friends. Then we will be listening to Korean music to boost ourselves in the car, and eat a lot of cookies. When we reach the airport, there will be two more of our friends there. And we will be hyper from all the sugar and thrill. And then we will flyyyyyy to France. 
After that, we have to find the bus which will take us into town. And then it's all the different metro's to reach the hostel. And on the hostel we will throw our bags into some room, and wait for two more friends who's getting there by another airplane. Then it's time to fix ourselves to the best, and head towards the MUSIC BANK K-POP CONCERT! And standing in line for hours and freeze our asses of. But thats all worth it. 
Hopefully I will have a lot of pictures afterwards.Though I have no own camera, I have to rely on my friends cameras and my phone. But I will surely update my blog about it, afterwards.
After music bank, we will have a lot of vacation days as well. It's not only music bank, it is Paris. And we will eat everything we can, and see everything we want. And just be... I wont be thinking about anything other then being there. Everything else will just be, until I get home again. It will be great to see my dream idols, but also to be with my friends.

Well, two hours until I have to sleep. *Ha!* I wont be able to succeed in getting any sleep, probably. 
(I will fall asleep on the airplane or in the line, on top of my friends)
Everyone who's going there - See you!

.It will be one of the best experiences in my life.

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