Paradise Kiss (Japanese movie 2011) is about Yukari Hayasaka (Keiko Kitagawa) who have her head filled up with the words "study is life". She always tries to study hard, not for her self but for her mother. Yukari's mother always raised her to think studying is the only reason there is to life. To become the best, and go to best school. Otherwise, you are nothing. But eventually, Yukari can't find meaning towards her present life, and feels that she haven't lived at all.
All of the sudden, a boy with a weird kind of style starts to talk to her, on her way home. She thinks he is trying to hit on her and gives him a snotty remark. When he keeps following her, Yukari tries to run away - which only lead her in the arms of another weird looking person. Unfortunately, she faints from being overworked with all the studies and the stress which comes with it... but maybe that's not so unfortunately.
Yukari is lead to a place, down some stairs into a mysterious alley. And thats the start of her new life.
Yukari is lead to a place, down some stairs into a mysterious alley. And thats the start of her new life.
Yukari wakes up to have an unknown face, right above her own. Miwako Sakurada (Aya Omasa) is a really sparkling, colorful and happy person, who starts calling Yukari, "Caroline" - since she doesn't know her real name. She instantly treats "Caroline" as her friend.
Isabelle Yamamoto (Shunji Igarashi) is the mother figure of the group, making Yukari some food to get better. She sees pretty clearly that Isabelle is a man, though.
Amongst all the confusion and Yukari's prejudices, Yukari also finds out that Arashi (Kento Kaku), the boy who followed her, was in fact not hitting on her. He was trying to scout her as their model.
Apparently, this people have a clothing line called "Paradise Kiss" and she would be perfect as their model in the last show, for their school competition.
Yukari starts of as extremely skeptical towards all of it and refuses. They all try to convince her while she is leaving, when yet a man suddenly appears through the door.
George Koizumi (Osamu Mukai) makes Yukari nervous from the start. He gives out a very strong aura which makes her want to leave even faster. But still, it makes her a bit curious too.

First - If you really like the ending of the manga and couldn't stand a different one. Then the movie is probably not for you. If you really wanted to see a different ending, well... then you might try this out. They have made the movie into a more positive thing, all together. Maybe more unbelievable too. It have unfortunately lost a lot of the soul and heart from the manga.
I prefer the real ending, and the way the manga was made. It is the real ending. But if you don't get caught up comparing the two (which is not even possible), this ending works too, for the storyline of the movie. But then it becomes a different story all together though. I'm really trying not to compare, but it is a live-action movie - so it should be more like the original story. Oh well...
That George doesn't have blue hair, is another thing. And Miwako don't have pink hair either. But that is probably the more convenient way for the actors. (But there is wigs...)
Second - The really bad thing though, is that there is very little character feeling. And the only one getting some character build and evolvement is naturally Yukari, as the main protagonist. The others don't really get much light, throughout the movie. They are just fillers. And with that, the movie misses out with some serious depth. The entire movie becomes pretty flat.

I'm thinking that, maybe Japanese live-action movies are moving forward, though? This is the first time that I actually feel that the movie have a lot of real factors in it. That it could be believable and real. And that it does not feel half asset. That the reactions are more real.
Otherwise, live-action usually just ends up in a very pore outcome. The jokes get to big and the storyline falls apart and isn't believable at all. And well, very often the girl is a weak and bad excuse of a woman - who needs help with everything, in this kind of stories. But not in this one! Yukari is actually a strong-minded woman with her own thoughts. She even dares to bash people of, and takes what she wants. But that is probably because they actually follow the real story, for that one.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy live-action movies that are unreal/fiction too. The ones which are supposed to be stupid and funny. I enjoy the humor and it is just for an easy watch. But the ones which take themselves to seriously, and not being able to. Overreacting with every little thing, and burying themselves in angst - lets just say, its not my cup of tea.
In this kind of genre, with a lot of relationships and hardship - I prefer the more real aspects. The jokes can absolutely have the Japanese charm of being really out there though. Japanese humor is the best humor.

The story is funny from the start. The comedy aspects is great and the storyline have a nice flow. Maybe some of it passes through to quickly, but you have to take in consideration that the movie is only 116 minutes long. So for that length, it is working quite well. And one of the better things, there is no angst! The people just work with what they have and work through troubles without getting a fit.
Overall, if you are a hardcore fan of the manga "Paradise Kiss" - you should probably not watch it. You will just get angry. If you are looking for an easy watch and wouldn't really compare it with the original story, then watch it. I actually enjoyed it on it's own, with a lot of new thoughts into the storyline and a tough protagonist. It made a good watch for a boring night. But not as the movie "Paradise kiss".

Yukari goes back to her ordinary school life, with her ordinary high-school crush for Hiroyuki Tokumori (Yusuke Yamamoto). The boy she have loved for three years, without him really noticing. But she isn't getting back to the ordinary for long, until George himself picks her up in the middle of classes. She keeps refusing them, but not really as confident as before. Yukari really tries to find faults in everything, and like she was taught - she doesn't have time for this silly acts, she needs to study.
Through them, she realizes that there is more to life, and there are things she's good at. That studying doesn't define who she is, and that she has new depths to her personality. She grows and mature as a person, and receives some really good friendships. And other relationships as well.

Paradise Kiss is originally a manga, written and illustrated by Ai Yasawa. There is also an anime from that same manga, adapted into 12 episodes. The manga and anime are widely known, and have been translated into ten different languages.
In June 4, 2011, the famous Paradise Kiss have also been adapted to a live-action movie. It is directed by Takehiko Shinjo. The movie is 116 minutes long, and have some differences from the original manga. 
First - If you really like the ending of the manga and couldn't stand a different one. Then the movie is probably not for you. If you really wanted to see a different ending, well... then you might try this out. They have made the movie into a more positive thing, all together. Maybe more unbelievable too. It have unfortunately lost a lot of the soul and heart from the manga.
I prefer the real ending, and the way the manga was made. It is the real ending. But if you don't get caught up comparing the two (which is not even possible), this ending works too, for the storyline of the movie. But then it becomes a different story all together though. I'm really trying not to compare, but it is a live-action movie - so it should be more like the original story. Oh well...
That George doesn't have blue hair, is another thing. And Miwako don't have pink hair either. But that is probably the more convenient way for the actors. (But there is wigs...)
Second - The really bad thing though, is that there is very little character feeling. And the only one getting some character build and evolvement is naturally Yukari, as the main protagonist. The others don't really get much light, throughout the movie. They are just fillers. And with that, the movie misses out with some serious depth. The entire movie becomes pretty flat.

I'm thinking that, maybe Japanese live-action movies are moving forward, though? This is the first time that I actually feel that the movie have a lot of real factors in it. That it could be believable and real. And that it does not feel half asset. That the reactions are more real.
Otherwise, live-action usually just ends up in a very pore outcome. The jokes get to big and the storyline falls apart and isn't believable at all. And well, very often the girl is a weak and bad excuse of a woman - who needs help with everything, in this kind of stories. But not in this one! Yukari is actually a strong-minded woman with her own thoughts. She even dares to bash people of, and takes what she wants. But that is probably because they actually follow the real story, for that one.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy live-action movies that are unreal/fiction too. The ones which are supposed to be stupid and funny. I enjoy the humor and it is just for an easy watch. But the ones which take themselves to seriously, and not being able to. Overreacting with every little thing, and burying themselves in angst - lets just say, its not my cup of tea.
In this kind of genre, with a lot of relationships and hardship - I prefer the more real aspects. The jokes can absolutely have the Japanese charm of being really out there though. Japanese humor is the best humor.

The story is funny from the start. The comedy aspects is great and the storyline have a nice flow. Maybe some of it passes through to quickly, but you have to take in consideration that the movie is only 116 minutes long. So for that length, it is working quite well. And one of the better things, there is no angst! The people just work with what they have and work through troubles without getting a fit.
Overall, if you are a hardcore fan of the manga "Paradise Kiss" - you should probably not watch it. You will just get angry. If you are looking for an easy watch and wouldn't really compare it with the original story, then watch it. I actually enjoyed it on it's own, with a lot of new thoughts into the storyline and a tough protagonist. It made a good watch for a boring night. But not as the movie "Paradise kiss".
The theme song and ending song is beautifully put and adapted nicely to the feeling of the movie. Both the theme song, "Hello (Paradise Kiss)" and the ending song, "You" are composed and written by the Japanese pop-singer/songwriter Yui.
Paradise Kiss Trailer ~
Paradise Kiss Trailer ~
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