19 July, 2011

Jang Jae In

I said that I liked odd sounds/songs, in an earlier entry - right? Like a tad off... weird tunes or weird performance. I find a lot of charm in that stuff. And a lot of personality. So, its not weird in a bad way... it's positive weird... pro-weird?
The point is, I like when it is different. Gives a lot of characteristic feeling to it.

And, Jang Jae In is a person that brings out, just that - in her latest song.
The first time I saw it, on M countdown, I got caught up by it right away. But I think this also is a song, that you either hate or love.

The song I'm talking about
Jang Jae In -
장난감 병정들 (Toy soldier) (2011)

Jang Jae In was in the show Superstar K, which is a South Korean show on M.net ,where they audition to get in. After that - they compete every week with a new song. The Judges and audience voting, decade who's getting eliminated.
Jang Jae In came in third place, in the second season. (Superstar K2).

She also did a really great song, featuring Kim Ji Soo, which I like.
Jang Jae In - 그대는 철이 없네 (Feat. Kim Ji Soo) (2011)

I really, really like her voice.

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