26 August, 2011

Big Bang goes - Party rock Anthem

☆ Sound of the Week!  

So, it's like this. I've been to a convention, yet again. With cosplaying, anime, manga, games - you name it.
 And both this conventions I've been to this year, had the song "LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem" as a kind of theme song... probably. Well, they played it a lot.
Anyway... I connect it to conventions, as soon as I hear it. When I hear it, I just want to go back to all those amazing people - who likes the same nerdy stuff as me. It brings out good memories.

I just stumbled over this a few days ago... My favorite two boys in my most nostalgic song - made a pretty awesome remix. 

Big Band vs LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem goes High High

It would be priceless if G.D and T.O.P started shuffling too.
But seriously, the transmission between the two songs is freaking great! They cut it in perfection, so it really fits. "Klockrent" as I would say in Swedish.